Last updated: 06/10/2024, 02:17

Current Project: Rejuvenation of

Hellkeeper's Archive

Hellkeeper, 26/03/2011, 23:56

Current project

I picked up the remains of DmRiot which I had started and abandoned last year after doing a terrible job with it. I more or less destroyed any interest I had in this project.

Trying something

I kept most of the structure, got rid of any temporary decoration and deleted huge lumps of the layout. The basic idea is rooted in a few doodlings I had aimlessly scratched on a random piece of paper about a year ago. A good half of the sketch turned out to be an interesting starting point. I decided to come back to it and I am now considering several possibilities for the other half, so that the whole map does not boil down to an excuse to get the good part out, as was the case with the original project. I have been looking at a few other aborted projects, mainly DM-Quaker, which had a grand total of one good idea, but I don't see how I could blend parts of these different projects together in a way that would seem harmonious and natural. Another aborted project which had kept me busy for a few weeks in January may end up providing a couple of interesting things too.

Right now my problem is getting back into the mood. So much time has passed since I've last been productive that I have actually lost some of my habits and I don't know where to start. The basic structure is not even half finished and half of what has been accomplished is not even guaranteed to stay in place for more than a few days or weeks, so I cannot even plan deadlines to activate the whole process. This is something I did with Honored and Exar, since the layouts were given from the start.

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