Last updated: 06/10/2024, 02:17

Current Project: Rejuvenation of

Hellkeeper's Archive

Hellkeeper, 01/10/2013, 21:31

WIP and a Fix

I have fixed two problems in DmP17. The first is a small and barely-noticeable BSP error that showed up in a test-game to experiment with bot behaviour. It was easy and quickly fixed; nobody should be able to spot the difference. The second is a problem affecting Unreal Tournament: the map being made under Unreal's UnrealEd 2.1, two imported textures (the screenshot and the weapon base effect - purple circle) were corrupted, as Unreal, thanks to patch 227, can import textures with less damaging compression than the standard 256 paletted colours Unreal Tournament requires. However, such textures appeared corrupted when the map was launched in Unreal Tournament, for this very reason.

The lighting bug which affects the upper level of P17 remains present. It is absent in Unreal but permanent in Unreal Tournament, even when the map is rebuilt in UnrealEd 2.0 for UT. I believe the problem come from the different ways in which Unreal and Unreal Tournament handle light building.

I have also started (about a month ago) a medium-sized map for Unreal, taking a step away from the usual science-fiction-space-ship-techno-abstract theme I usually revel in, to venture into a medieval port city. The result is coming along nicely, but I estimate the map to be only about 45% done at the moment. It should be less heavily decorated than P17 or even Exar, but it is very geometry-heavy right now, due to its size, structure and the general layout: buildings can be entered, have windows, and various other structural choices making the map very intensive in some angles. It should be able to fit 4/5 players in Deathmatch, making it my largest map since Megatan and the fourth map I make which is not purely sci-fi after Honored, Riot and HKDA1(I am not counting You Are the Demons for obvious reasons).

Since I feel compelled to show a screenshot but do not actually want anything to be seen, eat my wireframe viewport.

New map wireframe

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