Last updated: 06/10/2024, 02:17

Current Project: Rejuvenation of

Hellkeeper's Archive

Hellkeeper, 08/09/2024, 01:24

New content (it's been a while)

I wrote a small tutorial about two quality of life fixes for UT2004's editor, including a link to metallicafan212's (awesome nickname) fixed D3D renderer which removes the selection freeze issue. This bug has been the bane of my existence for 5 or 6 years and made building DM-Empire, DM-Corten and ONS-Heir a true test of my patience. Though I'm very proud of how well I managed my frustration each time UnrealEd meditated on the meaning of life for 50 seconds when I selected a surface, I probably lost a few years of life expectancy from the spike in blood pressure every single time it happened. The tutorial also explains how to definitively get rid of the old bug of the Surface Properties window.

Because I had a lot of time on my hand, I also wrote this funny Victoria 1 guide on how to make Uruguay a major player. This is based on an old strategy one could find on the Victoria wiki which no longer exists.

Finally, shortly after reworking the php behind, I wrote a little snippet to automatically convert distances from Unreal units to the metric system and vice versa and inserted it at the bottom on my tutorial on measures (in French).

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